Current Transformers
Current Transformers available in wide range from 1A to 7500A suitable to be used in all applications. CTs with Accuracy class up to 0.2S available in product range.
All Type of CTs such as Wound Primary, Plug-in Bus bar Type, Tube Current Transformer, Protection Current Transformer, Split-core Current Transformer and Summation Current Transformer available in product range.
Capable of being constantly overloaded to 120% of the primary rated current.
Unbreakable plastic housing of poly-carbonate, Self-extinguishing, UL94-V0 and flame resistant.
Operating Voltage up to 1.0 kV & Isolation test Voltage 6 kV.
Nickel-plated secondary terminals with plus-minus nickel plated screw & Integrated Secondary Locking Caps for all CTs.
Split-core CTs suitable to be used into an existing installation without any additional mounting requirements available up to 5000A Primary current.
Summation CTs up to 8 connections available.
Protection Current Transformers available in 5P5, 10P5, 5P10, 10P10 as a standard & Additional protection available on request.