Switch Disconnectors
Switch disconnector are available from 40A to 6300A.
Switch Disconnectors for DC applications are also available in a wide range of currents and voltage up to 1500V DC. On-Load Switching of DC & AC (inductive and capacitive) loads up to 1000V is possible.
Rated breaking current of up to 8 times the rated operational current is achieved.
High making and withstanding currents: Up to 100 kA short circuit currents.
Protection against accidental over voltages in equipment connected between phase and neutral is ensured. There is reliable isolation and contact position indication throughout the life-time of the switch, even after short-circuits.
IP 65 external handle without any extra parts.
Pad-lockable handle in O OFF position up to three padlocks (5-8mm) is available.
Door unlock is possible in ON I position by defeating the locking with a tool for Maintenance.
Shroud Covers, Extendable Shaft, Direct Handle, Auxiliary contacts available as an accessory.